11. April 2014 · Comments Off · Categories: Uncategorized

TRAKNAT supporters will be a demonstrating outside The Turk’s Head in St Margarets on Thursday 24 April 2014, where Vince Cable MP will be holding a dinner with other Liberal Democrats.

We will be publically challenging Dr Cable on his actions as Business Secretary:

  • His failure to act to stop promoting arms and signing export licences to human rights abusers
  • His U-turn on transparency, which allows arms brokers to do there dirty work without public scrutiny
  • His support for the arms fair

The dinner starts at 7.00pm. Assemble for the demonstration at 6.30pm. All welcome, just turn up.

The Turk’s Head, 28 Winchester Road, St Margarets, Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 1LF

It’s best to go by bus 37, or train as parking can be difficult.

Details of the dinner are at http://www.trlibdems.org.uk/events/2014/04/spring-dinner-special-guest-speaker-baroness-shirley-williams/.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/535044339949070/.

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